
“I cannot say enough about the impact the YET program has had on our 4th-grade students! I have worked with the YET team, along with Steven and Sandy Rogelberg for 5 years. They have a heart for our students!  This program is targeted to instill a growth mindset and boy, does it work!  Once the students understand the power of YET, they take it in and it becomes part of their everyday speech. I love that the YET program has considered all of our population and included resources in Spanish so that all of my students could access the message and materials! That was a game-changer! I have overheard students telling one another “you CAN do this, that’s just stinkin thinkin! You just might not be good at it YET!” I have witnessed students referring back to the goal-setting lesson and applying it to their goals. In literacy and math. 3 years in a row I was able to achieve more than a year’s worth of growth in reading with my students using this growth mindset approach.  I highly recommend bringing YET into your school!!”

Cassie Kessler, 4th Grade Teacher

“The YET! Program has been a game-changer for our students. The program has taught them that they can do hard things and continue to get better even when things are hard. They feel confident in their abilities to challenge “stinkin’ thinkin’” and to set and achieve goals. Thanks to this program, we are seeing tremendous progress with our students. YET! is such an effective way to help change students’ mindsets for the long run and help them see how much they can accomplish. I cannot recommend it enough!”

Brittany Maxwell, Principal

“During my service as a literacy coach in an elementary school, I was thrilled to be involved with the “Yet” Program sponsored by Dr. Rogelberg.  During this program, our 4th-grade students participated in activities and opportunities to learn about ways to exercise a growth mindset.  The resources that were provided, such as read-aloud books and interactive activities, promoted excitement for the children as they began to understand their potential for success with the “YET” concept.  Students demonstrated their understanding of the concept by taking more risks with their learning and, as a result, they experienced more successful moments.  This experience was extremely valuable to the school’s culture while promoting academic achievement and self-esteem of our students.”

Trina Potter, Principal

“The kids really enjoyed the Yet! Program! I appreciated the Google Forms that had everything they needed in 1 location. Asking my students about Growth Mindset they use the terms yet and stinkin’ thinking so I really think they learned a lot. Thanks for all of your work to make this successful in this hybrid environment.”

Kelly Delay, 4th Grade Teacher

“The YET! Program has been a great way to showcase the benefits of a growth mindset to our students. All the activities were engaging and fun! Our students used the power of YET really quickly after it was introduced to them.”

Ayo Adisa, School Counselor